Balanced Yoga
Clintonville, Ohio
High Street in Clintonville is a great street to walk down – but not when it is required to get from one floor of your yoga studio to the other. This was the situation Balanced Yoga found itself in as the business gained a passionate following and expanded from their first floor storefront to the second floor of the building. To go upstairs one had to exit the space, walk several doors north, then back in to the building. So at its core, this project was simply about creating a stair.
But like many renovations, it grew to include many other aspects. Upgrades to the studios. A new retail space and front desk. A refreshment area. Better changing facilities. The final results are a more cohesive space. The finishes and details are more aligned with the spirit of the enterprise and solve functional issues; more flexible studio space, blocking out street noise, providing better light, a chalkboard for improved communication. And no need to put your coat on to go upstairs anymore.
Photos by Matt Carbone